Visualizing JP-8/jet fuel release

Pease Air National Guard base/release from fuel vault #4
Portsmouth, New Hampshire


An estimated 9,000 gallon release of JP-8/jet fuel occurred in a buried fuel line vault at the Pease Air National Guard base in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. A faulty valve seal was determined to be the cause of the release, and immediate response actions included soil excavation around the vault and installation of a temporary light non- aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) recovery well. However, the need to maintain active fueling operations precluded removal of the vault and the impacted soil immediately below the vault. An estimated 6,000 gallons of JP-8 remained in-situ.

Air sparging with soil vapor extraction was implemented next in an effort to reduce the residual mass of JP-9 beneath the vault. System operation was carefully documented to demonstrate continued LNAPL mass removal. The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) requested an analysis of remaining JP-8 at the site, and SES was retained to delineate the 3-dimensional extent of the plume and calculate total and potentially recoverable LNAPL at the site. Using simple direct-push drilling combined with field Ultraviolet Fluorescence (UVF) screening, SES fully delineated the LNAPL Plume in four days.

Using advanced physical laboratory testing SES was able to demonstrate that LNAPL at the site was not mobile, and not recoverable in meaningful quantities. SES recommended terminating active remediation at the site, resulting in substantial operation savings. 3D visualizations, especially sharable 3D PDF models allowed project stakeholders to understand the site in ways they previously could not

SES Value Added


Steven M. Frasch, PE, PMP Frasch
Stantec Consulting Services
(610) 407-7943